
How to use the 3d Viewer

Rotate geometry by moving mouse inside viewer window and drag while left mouse button is pressed. The rotation mechanism simulates a virtual track ball, i.e. one picks a virtual ball centered in the display and drags the picked point around the center of the display.

Press right mouse button to select major interaction mode from popup menu, or use keyboard keys to temporarily switch between different modes (just keep a button pressed to switch mode temporarily). Some essential modes are:

Left-Mouse Drag to rotate
s Drag to scale
t Drag to translate
r Switch to reset
w / q Start / Stop auto-rotation
Shift-s Smooth drawing (slow)
Shift-z Enable z-buffer when surfaces intersect
F1 Control Panel
Right-Mouse Show popup menu
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To modify appearance of the geometry open the control panel using F1 or right-mouse selection, and then select the material panel (if not visible) via menu Inspector - Object - Material. Shortcuts to the various inspectors are ctrl-i, ctrl-m, ctrl-d, ctrl-g, ctrl-h where ctrl is the CTRL or STRG key (ctrl-m: keep the ctrl key pressed and press the m key once).

More information about the viewer is available on the page viewer navigation.

© 1996-2014 Last modified: 03.03.2014 --- www.javaview.de --- The JavaView Project