
Info Panel of Camera

Settings for the camera that creates the visible projection for the active display.

Perspective: Project the scene parallel to given view direction (see below).

Top (X-Y): Sets view direction to (0, 0, 1) so the x-y-plane is seen from top.

Front (X-Z): Sets view direction to (0, 1, 0).

Right (Y-Z): Sets view direction to (-1, 0, 0)

View Direction: Projection is performed parallel to and in the same direction as this vector (x, y, z).

Interest: The camera position is calculated by (interest + view direction*distance).

Distance: Distance of the projection plane from interest (see above).

Roll: Rotation of the camera around the viewing direction out of the upward-justification. Value is given in degrees.


Camera: All transformation like rotate, scale or translate is done only virtually and for the whole scene.
Selected Model: Transformations are only done for the selected geometry.
Locale Coordinate System: Mouse motion is interpreted a different way when you rotate, translate etc. If you drag the mouse horizontally the transformation is done as if you would drag the mouse along the x-axis of the coordinate frame of the world (e.g. if you rotate and drag the mouse horizontally then the geometry / scene is rotated around the y-axis of the coordinate frame). If you drag the mouse vertically the transformation is done as if you would drag the mouse along the y-axis of the coordinate frame of the world. Try switching on the axis frame (Inspector Display-Show Axis Frame) to verify the results.

Front / Back Clipping: Clips everything that is nearer than near clip and everything that is further away than far clip.

Center: Centers the camera such that the bounding box of all geometries is centered in the display.

Fit: Combined center with scale such that the geometries fill a certain amount of the display.

Reset: Resets camera roll, direction and interest settings to initial values.

Reset All: Resets all transformations etc. to their default values.

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